Monday, 25 November 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013
2014 Summer Ops Review - C560
Emergency Pressurization:
What is Happening Question: The OAT is 90 degrees F.; as the aircraft passes through 4,000 feet on the climbout, the EMER PRESS ON light illuminates and the noise level in the cockpit increases:
A. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select EMER with the PRESS SOURCE selector and a cooler temperature with the automatic temperature selector.
B. The ACM has shut down; turn the PRESS SOURCE selector OFF and call for the checklist.
C. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select a warmer setting, wait for 12 seconds, and call for the checklist. *
D. The ACM has not shut down; select MANUAL and full cold to cool it down, thus preventing damage.
What is Happening Question: The OAT is 90 degrees F.; as the aircraft passes through 4,000 feet on the climbout, the EMER PRESS ON light illuminates and the noise level in the cockpit increases:
A. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select EMER with the PRESS SOURCE selector and a cooler temperature with the automatic temperature selector.
B. The ACM has shut down; turn the PRESS SOURCE selector OFF and call for the checklist.
C. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select a warmer setting, wait for 12 seconds, and call for the checklist. *
D. The ACM has not shut down; select MANUAL and full cold to cool it down, thus preventing damage.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
2013 Winter Ops Review - C560
Contaminated Aircraft
- A visual and tactile (touch) check of the wing leading edge and wing upper surface must be performed to ensure the wing is free from contamination (frost, ice, snow or slush), if the temperature is less than
+10 Celcius. - may not know the temperature of the fuel in the wings. If the wing fuel is +0 degrees or less, any existing moisture (in the atmosphere or on the critical aircraft surfaces) to freeze onto the wing and control surfaces.
- Takeoff is prohibited with contamination adhering to critical areas and surfaces. The Clean Aircraft concept applies during all weather conditions.
Operations in Severe Icing Conditions
- Severe icing can result from environmental conditions outside of those for which the airplane is certified. Flight in freezing rain, freezing drizzle, or mixed icing conditions (supercooled liquid water and ice crystals) can result in ice build-up on protected surfaces exceeding the capability of the ice protection system, or can result in ice forming aft of the protected surfaces. This ice may not shed when the ice protection systems are used, and may seriously degrade the performance and controllability of the airplane.
- All wing icing inspection lights must be operative prior to flight into known or forecast icing conditions at night.
- When severe icing is occuring, use of the autopilot is prohibited! Note: The autopilot may mask tactile clues that indicate adverse changes in handling characteristics.
- When severe icing is occuring, leave flaps in their current positon...DO NOT extend or retract!
- If unusual or uncommanded roll control movement is observed, reduce angle of attack.
C560 Ultra Groundschool -Various
- BATTERY START: -Batteries Sw. & Generator Sw. stay "ON" position
- GPU START: -Batttery Sw. "ON" position, but Generators Sw. "OFF"
- Remember to disconnect the GPU before turning on the GENs.
- When the battery is the only source of power, think of the Battery switch as having the following switch positions in terms of electrical time remaining:
- BATTERY 10 minutes
- EMERG 30 minutes
Turning Autopilot OFF: (4 Quick ways to turn OFF the Autopilot:)
- A/P OFF button
- Trim with electric trim switch
- Pull Electric Trim Circuit Breaker
- TCS (momentarily disengages A/P)
Fuel Burns (Flt Planning):
Hour Fuel Consumed (lbs)
1st 1600
2nd 1400
3rd 1200
Initial Climb Altitudes:
@ MGTW, the C560 will Climb to FL370/380
Master Caution Warning Lights:
What 7 items turn on the Master Warning Caution Lights?
Initial Climb Altitudes:
@ MGTW, the C560 will Climb to FL370/380
Master Caution Warning Lights:
What 7 items turn on the Master Warning Caution Lights?
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