Friday, 8 November 2013

2014 Summer Ops Review - C560

Emergency Pressurization:

What is Happening Question:   The OAT is 90 degrees F.; as the aircraft passes through 4,000 feet on the climbout, the EMER PRESS ON light illuminates and the noise level in the cockpit increases:

A. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select EMER with the PRESS SOURCE selector and a cooler temperature with the automatic temperature selector.

B. The ACM has shut down; turn the PRESS SOURCE selector OFF and call for the checklist.

C. The ACM has shut down due to an overheat; select a warmer setting, wait for 12 seconds, and call for the checklist. *

D. The ACM has not shut down; select MANUAL and full cold to cool it down, thus preventing damage.

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